Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

I can hardly believe that is it 2008 and we are nearly halfway through the school year. The first semester ends on Friday, January 18th. Please check your students grades online at the district website.

We will have one last test in Social Studies before the end of the marking period. Next Tuesday, the 15th, students should be prepared to identify where all 50 states are located. We have been working up to this all year! I'm sure it will be more of a celebration than a test. Most know our country's layout quite well. In an effort to get in a few last practices, students have homework tonight and tomorrow over the states.

In Language Arts, we started Unit 2 of our Vocabulary workbook. There are 12 words that students should spend time becoming familiar. We will probably have a test next week sometime. Today we started a mini lesson on writing introductions that start with some action. Tomorrow we will color code the parts of these paragraphs and then dive into our own attempt.

We are still in need of a couple more parent volunteers to attend camp with us on January 31st and February 1st. Also, in the next week, there will be important information about our upcoming Chicago trip coming home.

I hope everyone had a fab-u-lash holiday break. We are gearing up to have an impressive 2008!


Anonymous said...

Happy New year to you to!!! I love your blog it is a nice way to keep in touch. I hope you will be at school on Tusday! I was wondering about L.Arts do we have our vocab quiz this Friday or next. Will you tell me at school? Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

hey whats up miss renner i luv lang. arts. we have beeen very productive lately in school. have a GREAT weekend c u @ skool luv maddie